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Indeo® Video Palette

Question: How does the Indeo® video palette work in Video for Windows*?
When Windows is in 8-bit mode, Indeo video by default asserts its own palette. The Indeo video codec does not use the first and last ten entries, which are reserved for Windows; Indeo video uses the middle 236 only. In active palette mode, Indeo video decodes using the full, 256­color palette asserted by the application.

When Windows is in 16-bit mode (65,536 colors) or 24-bit mode (16.7 million colors), the Indeo video codec decompresses the video directly into 16- or 24­bit RGB rather than selecting from a palette.

See the documents describing the Indeo video palette.

Question: How can I create a palette file from the Indeo® video palette?
You don't need to. The document Using Palettes With Indeo Video describes how to use the Indeo video palette when Indeo video is incorporated into an application, including source code examples. You can download the three palettes associated with Indeo video as .PAL files:

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation